
Self-reliance is defined as “the ability, commitment, and effort to provide the spiritual and temporal necessities of life for self and family. As members become more self-reliant, they are also better able to serve and care for others” (Handbook 2, 6.1.1).

The Lord has said, “It is my purpose to provide for my saints . . . but it must needs be done in mine own way” (Doctrine and Covenants 104:15, 16). This is a promise that Heavenly Father will help take care of His children as they follow Him. Self-reliance does not mean that we can accomplish or obtain anything we want. If we are self-reliant we believe that through the power of Christ, and through our own effort, we can work for the spiritual and practical needs of life. Many people can become more self-reliant. The self-reliance initiative is a tool to help.

In the initiative, much of the work takes place in small groups that combine spiritual principles with practical skills. Groups are focused on one of four areas: employment, education, personal finances, or starting and growing a business.

For more information and resources see

Available Courses

Each course runs for 10 to 12 weeks, with weekly meetings. Express Interest in a self-reliance group now.

Personal Finances

Personal Finances

For those who want better control over their finances. Group members will learn how to eliminate debt, protect against financial hardship, and invest for the future. They will create a financial plan and follow a budget. Spouses are encouraged to attend together. View the manual here

Express Interest

Strengthening the Family

This course was developed to help Church members understand the principles of effective parenting and improve parenting skills. The course covers nine topics: “Parenting Principles and Practices,” “Understanding Child Development,” “Communicating with Love,” “Nurturing Children,” “Fostering Confidence,” “Overcoming Anger,” “Resolving Conflict,” “Teaching Responsible Behavior,” and “Applying Consequences.” View the manual here.

Express Interest

Strengthening Marriage

This course was developed to help spouses develop and maintain an enriching relationship with each other. The course covers six topics: “Applying Gospel Principles,” “Communicating with Love,” “Fostering Equality and Unity,” “Overcoming Anger,” “Resolving Conflict,” “and Enriching Marriage.” View the manual here.

Express Interest

Starting and Growing My Business

For those who already have a business or resources to start a business. Group members learn the traits and skills of successful small business owners. They practice record keeping, marketing, and cash management. They will talk with business owners, customers, and suppliers and develop plans to grow their business. View the manual here.

Express Interest

Emotional Resilience

Emotional resilience is the ability to adapt to challenges with courage and faith centered in Jesus Christ. This course is designed to strengthen you spiritually and teach some basic skills for dealing with life’s challenges and disappointments. View the manual here

Express Interest

Find a Better Job

For those who are looking for work or a better job. Group members will learn to identify opportunities, network, present themselves professionally, and prepare for job interviews. They will also set goals for contacts and interviews. View the manual here

Express Interest

Education for Better Work

For those who need additional education or training to get a job. Group members will research, create, and present career and education plans. They will also spend time each week practicing skills that will help them be more effective learners. View the manual here

Express Interest

Life Skills

For older youth and young single adults, Life Skills for Self-Reliance contains the most applicable content from three self-reliance manuals (Personal Finances, Find a Better Job, and Education for Better Work). This group helps participants research career and education opportunities, find and obtain employment, and learn how to manage their money. It will prepare them for missions, future education, military service, and work after high school. View the manual here

Express Interest